Northern Illinois University (NIU) is a public school located in Decarbo, Illinois, United States. It was established on May 22, 1895 by Illinois Governor John Peter Altgeld. The University of Northern Illinois is a four-year public university established in 1895 with a history of one century. buy a Northern Illinois University diploma, There are a total of 6 undergraduate colleges and 2 research institutes, with the best majors being business, engineering, and science. According to the American’s Best Colleges 1995 university yearbook, the subjects that students choose the most include business management (17%), social sciences (15%), education (9%), health sciences (8%), and mass communication (8%).
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The University of Northern Illinois is a renowned traditional accounting powerhouse. In the 2010 Public Accounting Report (PAR), it ranked eighth in undergraduate accounting in the United States and tenth in the Master of Accounting program (MAS). buy Northern Illinois University diploma online, The university consistently boasts a CPA pass rate (95%) exceeding that of UIUC. American accounting guru Kieso Wegandt comes from this school. More than 90% of financial accounting textbooks in American schools use Kieso’s books. The University of Northern Illinois (NIU) is a four-year public university with a high cost performance ratio. The annual tuition fee for international students with a Master’s degree in Accounting is approximately $13200 The school provides GA, TA, and Fellowship. U.S. News&World Report has been rated as a first-class national university, with academic reputation ranking 23rd in the United States.
Northern Illinois University extends its campus to the city center. The city is known for its friendly residents, high quality of life, and relatively low living expenses, and has always welcomed foreign students. In addition to well-equipped engineering and science laboratories, the university also boasts an award-winning library and a comprehensive campus computer network. The language center and the new data center have greatly provided assistance in all aspects of language learning. fake Northern Illinois University diploma maker, The school has excellent sports facilities and an 18 hole golf course. The proportion of foreign students studying abroad is 12% for undergraduate students and 31% for graduate students.