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buy ICAI Certificate, fake Institute of Chartered Accountants of India certificate

ICAI Certificate replacement

ICAI Certificate replacement

ICAI Certificate
ICAI Certificate

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) was established under the Chartered Accountants Act of 1949. buy a fake ICAI Certificate, ICAI has a total of 167000 members, of which approximately 52% are practicing members, and over 726000 students are currently studying the Chartered Accountant program.

ICAI is headquartered in the capital city of New Delhi, with 5 regional branches located in Mumbai, Chennai, Kanpur, Kolkata, and New Delhi. It has 126 offices throughout the country. Additionally, ICAI has 22 branches overseas. The ICAI Council is responsible for managing the affairs of the association, consisting of 40 members, of whom 32 are elected by members and the remaining 8 are appointed by the government. buy ICAI Certificate online, The functions of the council are fulfilled through 4 standing committees and 30 nonstanding committees, including the Executive Committee, Examination Committee, Finance Committee, and Disciplinary Committee. Nonstanding committees include the Accounting Standards Board, Audit Committee, Audit and Assurance Standards Board, Corporate Governance Committee, Professional Ethics Committee, Continuing Education Committee, International Affairs Committee, etc. The ICAI Secretariat is led by the Secretary General and is responsible for the daily operation of the ICAI office.

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The main functions of ICAI include: defining membership qualifications; Organizing exams and arranging practical training for candidates; Membership registration; Publishing and retaining a list of members with professional qualifications; Organizing activities that are conducive to industry development and standardization, and maintaining the quality of member practice.

ICAI is a founding member of the International Federation of Accountants, the Asia Pacific Federation of Accountants, and the South Asian Federation of Accountants. Also a member of the International Accounting Standards Board. ICAI Certificate replacement, It is also a professional innovation international network and a Founding member of IIN. ICAI is also striving to export its professional qualifications to enhance India’s influence abroad. Currently, ICAI is recognized in the following countries: Nepal, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, and Mauritius. In addition, it also mutually recognizes the Australian Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Canadian Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales, and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of New Zealand. Currently in negotiations with other accounting organizations in the United States, Canada, and Australia.

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