The First Certificate in English (FCE) is a B2 level exam for those individuals at an upper intermediate qualification in English, fake Cambridge FCE Certificate, This First Certificate in English is the most common take exam of all ESOL tests and is available in a computer and paper version Many students take this exam because it has a high master of English needed to work in a business and educational environment.
The FCE exam is for those individuals who can use every day written and spoken English including understanding radio and TV programs and those who can take notes while listening to a lecture in English Many individuals take this exam if they are going to study abroad or need certification for employment purpose If you pass the FCE, your level of English is good enough to be of practical use in many types of job.
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Because the certificate confirms a master of all language skills, it has widespread recognition Typically, to reach this level of students study between 500-600 hours of English.
Many universities, specifically in the United Kingdom, require proof of student’s English ability by submitting results tests results of the TOEFL, IELTS, and FCE You will need to contact your employee, organization, or prospective school to confirm which exam (s) they accept This exam is generally accepted by employees, however most universities prefer results from the Certificate in Advanced English (CAE).
Altough the First Certificate in English is comparable in diversity to the TOEFL, buy a fake Cambridge FCE Certificate, the results for the TOEFL expire after two years where the results of the FCE do not expire The University of Cambridge has put together a database to see who accepts this certificate.