The Humboldt University of Berlin was founded in 1810 in accordance with the spirit of its founder Humboldt’s “integration of research and teaching”. He also hoped that the Humboldt University of Berlin could become the “Mother all modern Universität”. buy a fake HU Berlin Urkunde, According to Humboldt’s philosophy, modern universities should be the “sum of knowledge” (Universitas Literarum), with teaching and research conducted simultaneously within the university, and academic freedom. Universities should have knowledge and academia as their ultimate goal, rather than the cultivation of practical talents.
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Humboldt believed that universities have a dual task, one is to explore science, and the other is to cultivate personality and morality. buy fake HU Berlin Urkunde online, He referred to science as pure science, that is, philosophy. cultivation is a quality that a person should possess as a member of society, and it is the result of the comprehensive development of personality. It is not related to specialized abilities and skills.
According to the requirements of pure science, there are two basic organizational principles of universities: loneliness and freedom. Loneliness means not being influenced by political, economic, and social interests, maintaining distance from them, and emphasizing the democratic nature of universities in management and academia. In Humboldt’s view, freedom and loneliness are interrelated and interdependent. Without loneliness (independence), there would be no freedom. MA HU Berlin Urkunde, All external organizations of universities are based on these two points.
Prior to this, universities in both Europe and the United States continued to follow the tradition of monastic education, focusing mainly on training teachers, public officials, or nobles, with less emphasis on research. Afterward, Humboldt’s ideas were spread to various parts of Europe and the United States and became a model for many universities to emulate. In July 2019, it was selected for the list of elite universities in Germany.
The predecessor of Humboldt University of Berlin, the University of Berlin, was established in October 1810. This state-funded, co-educational institution of higher education was founded by William von Humboldt, the then-Prussian Minister of Education, a renowned German scholar, and education reformer.