The FernUniversität in Hagen with its tradition of supported distance learning, this university has been offering an alternative to on-campus studies within the German university landscape for 30 years and is currently serving around 45.000 students. buy a fake FernUniversität in Hagen Zeugnis, The institution’s main office is in Hagen, Germany. Other study centers are located in Germany and abroad.
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FernUniversität in Hagen is the only state-maintained open university in German-speaking countries and regions, including Austria. The FernUniversität in Hagen has existed for 30 years and is an established institution in the scientific community. Since the Ministerial Agreement in 1980, particular relations have existed between Austrian open educational facilities and the FernUniversität in Hagen. In 1994 this agreement was replaced by a cooperation treaty between the FernUniversität in Hagen and the University of Linz. Hence, Austrian students are also able to benefit from the open education system which combines study units with individual support, Net-based cooperation in seminars and working groups, online communication offers, and face-to-face sessions. Contacts between students and tutors are available – especially for Austria – at “EuroStudyCentres“ with agencies in Bregenz, Steyr, Wien, Bad Goisern, Saalfelden, and Villach. On-campus students can also participate in courses at the “Entwicklungssupportcenter & Infopoint” in Linz. buy FernUniversität in Hagen Zeugnis online, The FernUniversität (Open University) is an alternative to on-campus studies with high-quality degrees (Bachelor’s, Master’s, ‘Diplom’, and Doctorate).
It offers supported distance learning with maximum independence and flexibility, making it particularly suitable for would-be students whose personal circumstances prevent them from studying at conventional universities.